Everything that you need to know about Dyslexia in children and adults

What characterizes the personality of an adult with dyslexia?

  • May have a brief fuse or is definitely frustrated, angered, or annoyed.
  • Easily stressed and overwhelmed in certain situations.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Self-conscious when speaking during a group. May have difficulty getting thoughts out – pause frequently, speak in halting phrases, or leave sentences incomplete. This might worsen with stress or distraction.
  • Sticks to what they know – fear of latest tasks or any situation where they’re out of temperature.
  • Extremely disorderly or compulsively orderly.

What worsen the symptoms for people with dyslexia?

The following significantly increase symptoms:

  1. Confusion
  2. Stress
  3. Physical health issues
  4. Time pressure
  5. Fatigue